Reflections Therapy Studio

A Space for New Beginnings…

Jungian symbol with therapeutic hands, for Rebecca Spear, LMFT

Our Dreams Matter

The beauty of Jungian Therapy is in the embrace of all experiences which make us human. Your healing journey begins in the safety we create together, holding what matters to you within our secure vessel, where we can turn it around and study its hidden dimensions, its Shadow side. At Reflections Therapy Studio, we make space for your dreams to speak, noting symbols arising from the unconscious and decoding messages of desire for the riches of life from your Soul. Is your Psyche calling for more from your life? Are you ready to claim the life you were always meant to live?  

Seeing Clients Online and In-Person

Rebecca Spear, M.A. · M.Ed. · LMFT# 121560, founder of Reflections Therapy Studio

Rebecca Spear

M.A. · M.Ed. · LMFT# 138292

Founder of Reflections Therapy Studio

Current Analyst Training Candidate, C. G. Jung Institute, Zurich, Switzerland

Deeply connecting to the unconscious for holistic healing:

If you have negative patterns manifesting in your life today that you wish you could change, and feel like the time to develop your life’s dreams is fading away you are not alone! At Reflections Therapy Studio we work with you to develop skills for change. Together we can develop Mindful Awareness of your body’s signals for the moment you begin to stray from your higher Self’s intentions, organically resolving Intergenerational Patterns, calming the Internal Saboteur or Inner Critic, and diminishing symptoms of self-harm, shame, Imposter Syndrome, disordered eating, and other addictive behaviors.

Encountering the Self - Individuation through Jungian Psychology:

Encounters with the Shadow of the unconscious requires a skillful guide and commitment to the process. How many years have you spent with what isn’t working? Are you ready to commit to different process—a deep process for psychoanalytic change?  Together we explore Dream Analysis, Symbols, and new Archetypes arising to guide your path towards wholeness. Reclaiming the inner gold liberated from the negative patterns connects you to renewed energy for creativity, enhancing self-esteem, self-confidence, and the true expression of your higher Self.

Our Offerings…

Breath. Pause. Begin.

We have specialized training to teach you to regulate disruptive patterns of anxiety & self-doubt to bring you back to the present moment. It is time to begin living life on your own terms! 

Image of flowers in a pot in shadow by Rebecca Spear, LMFT, reminding us to breathe

Hope Arises

Art work showing an individual seeking themselves within themself, shining a light internally

We release trauma to find that old triggers have lost their potency. A newly integrated calmness lodges inside, in recognizing the struggles the “younger you” had, oftentimes alone or with little guidance. Now is the time to release the hold of those negative patterns to embrace the Self you are meant to be!

The Inner Gold arises from walking with a connected other, through and beyond the Shadowlands. We are not wired to make this journey alone. Healing takes place in relationship with a guided presence. 

Contact Us today so we can learn what you're looking for and see if we are a good fit to begin together.

  • Analytical Psychology Services

  • Depth Psychological Services

  • Jungian Psychological Services

  • Parent Coaching

  • LGBTQIA+ Affirming Mental Health Services

  • Certified Brainspotting

  • Dream Analysis

  • Partner and Couples Counseling

  • Family Counseling

  • Addiction Relapse Prevention Counseling

  • Art Therapy

  • Somatic Body-Centered therapy

  • Mindful Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

  • Mindfulness & Meditation

  • Grief Counseling

Jungian symbol in the palm of the hand for Rebecca Spear, LMFT