About Us

Hi, You have reached our healing space.

Together we can explore your feelings, with questions you may wonder about, like:

  • Why do I feel so overwhelmed?

  • How can I learn how to express myself?

  • Why can’t I speak up?

  • How can I release this dark cloud over my head?

  • Why do I get hijacked by my emotions?

  • How do I end up repeating the same relationship patterns?

  • Why do I feel so alone?

  • How can I connect with a higher sense of purpose?

  • Why can’t I find someone to share my life with?

  • How can I stand in my truth without focusing on what other people think?

Rebecca Spear, LMFT, therapist and founder of Reflections Therapy Studio in Los Angeles, CA

Rebecca Spear

Psychotherapy, Depth Psychology & Somatics

M.A. · M.Ed. · LMFT #138292

Founder of Reflections Therapy Studio

About Rebecca…

My approach heals in the Jungian Analytical Psychology tradition.

I believe in embracing the fullness of the human experience, even when it means trudging through some pretty scary Shadowlands, as this journey leads us to our purest spiritual gold. In early treatment, we can use Brainspotting and mindfulness techniques to quickly release some of the emotional intensity. These are evidence-based and brain-based therapies for life to become more comfortable. We believe that directly tending to our darkness, those areas we’d rather not think about, or we’d like to send away, is what liberates our Soul.

My psychodynamic approach uses Depth Therapy, BSP, Mindfulness, Art Therapy, and Somatics, within a trauma-informed lens.

We use all our senses to notice images or messages from the past constellating in the therapeutic space between us.

We pause in attending to seemingly contradictory information arising—sometimes noticing a discrepancy between the belief system and our actions. Jung called this “holding the tension of the opposites.” The ability to, “hold the opposites,” without collapsing into judgment is a sign of psychological maturity.

“The shuttling to and fro of arguments and affects represents the transcendent function of opposites. The confrontation of the two positions generates a tension charged with energy and creates a living, third thing, not a logical stillbirth… but a movement out of the suspension between opposites, a living birth that leads to a new level of being, a new situation.”

C.G. Jung, The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche

Explore beyond judgment, to find your higher Self’s desires.

My Background

I am a holistic healer and educator, having over 39 years of combined professional experience in medical rehabilitation, educational youth stewardship, and psychotherapy. I have two master’s degrees, completed a 2-year full-time medical school certificate program in rehabilitation medicine, and am currently an Analyst Training Candidate at the C. G. Jung Institute of Zurich, Switzerland.

Analytic Specialties

Formal Training Programs

  • Psychology Intern, Kieffer E. Frantz Clinic, C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles

  • 2-Year Certification in Jungian Studies, C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles

  • Certificated Teacher: Biology and Chemistry

  • Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology with Depth Emphasis, Pacifica Graduate Institute

  • Master’s Degree in Education with Cross-Cultural Emphasis, National University

  • Certificate in Prosthetics and Orthotics – Rehabilitation Medicine – NYU Post-Graduate Medical School

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Studies, Art and Science Majors; Bennington College

  • Certified Brainspotting, Brainspotting International, Inc.

  • Sandplay Therapists of America Training Program (current enrollment in year-2)


  • Healing the Ambiguous Loss of Maternal Prolonged Grief (2020, May): Proquest

  • Leadership in Environmental Education Partnership: Program-Evaluation and Recommendations (2012, June): Pitzer College

  • Leadership in Environmental Education: Partnership Field Book (2005): Pitzer College

Professional Affiliations and Memberships

Junagian symbol held by hands for Rebecca Spear, LMFT

“The client who comes to us has a story that is not told, and which as a rule no one knows of. To my mind, therapy only really begins after the investigation of that wholly personal story. It is the client’s secret, the rock against which [they are] shattered… The doctor’s task is to find out how to gain that knowledge. In most cases exploration of the conscious material is insufficient.”

Carl G. Jung. (1989). Memories, Dreams, Reflections

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