Jungian and Psychoanalytic

Jungian Psychology explores the constellations of loss which plunged us into turbulent times. This is the archetypal experience of the Hero or Heroine’s Journey. This journey drags us unwillingly through the Shadowlands, while we desperately seek mooring for our Souls. In essence, these unanticipated spiritual journeys ask the Self to reimagine the very foundations of our lives, demanding reconstruction of meaning within our autobiographical narrative. 

Jungian Psychological art by Rebecca Spear, LMFT, Los Angeles, CA

Guided through encounters with the depths of the unconscious, together we decipher language communicated in dream analysis along with the images and archetypes, to bring awareness to limiting beliefs and behaviors. By bringing these Shadow impulses to light, we access the root of anxieties and the hidden meaning of repeating negative patterns, in service to positive change. Unearthing the “hidden gold” in the depths of the unconscious connects us to the source of our creativity, freeing up energy for higher self-esteem, self-confidence, and the true knowing of our higher Self.

Encountering the Self : Individuation through Jungian Psychology

Jungian Psychological art by Rebecca Spear, LMFT, Los Angeles, CA

Psychoanalysis relieves symptoms of anxiety, depression, and trauma through an eclectic interconnection of developmental, relational, somatic, and creative modalities. Turning towards negative symptoms, sensations held in the body and memories, we contain the affects within an empathic, meaning-making vessel. In this manner feelings are validated and clarified, motivations are interpreted, patterns are uncovered, banished parts of the Self are reclaimed and in this more wholeness is felt within the Self.

Symptomatic Relief in Moving Towards Wholeness

Jungian Psychological art by Rebecca Spear, LMFT, Los Angeles, CA

Jungian therapy involves a regular ongoing commitment to an in-depth understanding of the Self. The work appeals to those with lifelong wounds who have tried the quick fixes and need something more to make sense of their lives. It is, at times, an arduous path, but one which explores authentic expression for living out one’s innermost dreams once freed from the often previously unconscious restraints.

Mining the Depths of the Unconscious

“A man who has not dwelled in the inferno of his passions has never overcome them. They then dwell in the house next door, and at any moment a flame may dart out and set fire to his own house. Whenever we give up, leave behind, and forget too much, there is always the danger that the things we have neglected will return with added force.” 

C.G. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections

Jungian symbol being held by hands for Rebecca Spear, LMFT, Los Angeles, CA
  • Endurance, Transformation and the Power of the Imagination: A Weeklong Seminar, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Donald Kalsched, Connie Zweig, Ashok Bedi, Sylvia Brinton Perera, Monika Wikman, Thomas Elsner; NY Center for Jungian Studies

    Jungian Sandplay Training Program*, C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles *ongoing enrollment, 2-year training program

    Jung in Context, Marybeth Carter; C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles

    The Relationship Between the Ego and the Unconscious, Gordon Nelson; C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles

    Jung'sTypology, Steven Galipeau; C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles

    Transformations in Oneness in Psychoanalytic Work, Dr. Ofra Eshel

    Transference, Carmen Kobor; C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles; C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles

    Sexuality, Barry Miller; C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles

    Jungian and Psychoanalytical Perspectives on the Self, Paul A. Gabrinetti, C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles

    Jungian Perspective on the Tarot (Level 2), Ken James; C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago

    Revisiting Individuation, Heroism and the Feminine, Susan Rowland; C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles

    Working with the Unseen that exists in Plain Sight, Sam Kimbles; C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles

    Jungian Foundation of Sandplay: Individuation Process Described by Jung, Liza Ravitz; C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles

    Sandplay: Complexes and Shadow, Laura Soble; C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles

    Sandplay: Archetypes and the Transcendent Function, Shannon Yonkey; C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles

    Sandplay: Working with Children from a Jungian Perspective, Audrey Punnett; C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles

    Sandplay: Complex Clinical Issues with Children, Maria Ellen Chiaia; C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles