“My Soul, Where Are You?”

(C. G. Jung, 1913, Black Book 2)

Image taken by Rebecca Spear, LMFT, in Switzerland of a path leading to a trail up into the mountains, representing individual therapy

With practice, mindful awareness becomes second nature, but like any other muscle, it at first needs repetition in order to become strong.

Reparative experiences in therapy sessions at Reflections Therapy Studio include Relational Therapy where you are encouraged to relate in new ways to your therapist in situations that trigger you. In the Psychodynamic Process you are in charge of how the session unfolds: Do you want to talk about conflict resolution at work? Problem-solve Relationship Conflicts in your family? Explore a symbol arising in your dreams?

Depth Therapy is a Soulful place to authoring your life dreams.

Image taken by Rebecca Spear, LMFT, in Switzerland of the mountains, representing individual depth therapy

Symptoms of psychological distress, including Depression, Anxiety, Eating Disorders, Substance Abuse, or other Compulsions are indicators of a misalignment to our capital “S” Self. The frightening dynamics of a disconnect from the higher, soul-imbued Self has fueled crises in individuals throughout all time.

Although traditional Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) prescribes actions to take in service to reducing discomfort, Jungian Therapy appeals to those looking for “something deeper.” Sometimes we use a CBT-focused skill for behavior change, but we use it as a starting point for further exploration.

Engagement with Depth Therapy explores the underlying mechanism. We can turn towards symptoms –anxiety, depression, pain, overwhelm—arising in your body as messengers, alerting you to vital communications from your unconscious. This Somatic technique combined with Mindful awareness helps you develop an Observer Ego that, when linked to the roots of the problem you are trying to change, signals you that a different step is needed for your desired new outcome. Step by step, Intergenerational Patterns are challenged, the Internal Saboteur or Inner Critic is calmed, and symptoms of self-harm, shame, Imposter Syndrome, disordered eating, and other addictive behaviors diminish.

Not feeling ready? Check out the Brainspotting, to see how symptoms can be reduced before embarking on a deeper journey.