Member, Analyst Training Program

This summer, having completed a 2-year internship at the C. G. Jung Institute in Los Angeles, including a pro bono weekly commitment with Clinic patients,  I began envisioning my next steps. I am excited to announce that after visiting Switzerland for 3-weeks this Autumn and engaging in 6 hours of interviews in 3 different cities, I was invited to join the Analyst Training Program in Küsnacht, Switzerland! Already a fully licensed therapist, this additional level of professional development will continue expanding my lens of how human Souls are connected to the Cosmos through Archetypes, Mythologies, Spiritualities, Folklore, and the Arts. Carl Jung, as one of the Founders of psychoanalysis, embedded awareness of these cosmic connections in his theories of pathology, healing and growth. I am honored by this opportunity to study in the traditions of this great Master, and through this work provide even more specialized care to my patients at Reflections Therapy Studio.


What is Mythopoesis?


Dream Journaling