Why Choose Depth Therapy?

There are so many therapy modalities out there. Faced with choosing between Jungian Analysis, CBT, Dialectic, and Somatic styles…how do you know which is best for you?

Allegory of Catherine de Medici as Juno by Léonard Limosin French, about 1505-1575/77. The peacock is seen as an image of transformation. In this image, the presence of the rainbow and the clouds bordering the pathway indicate spiritual guidance.

Allegory of Catherine de Medici as Juno by Léonard Limosin French, about 1505-1575/77. The peacock is seen as an image of transformation. In this image, the presence of the rainbow and the clouds bordering the pathway indicate spiritual guidance on the pathway.

Depth Therapy, alternately known as Jungian Therapy—is a type of psychoanalysis. All forms of psychoanalysis focus on the personal Unconscious as a motivating factor in our lives. The focus on the Unconscious is significant, in that we therapists trained in psychoanalysis work with symbols arising in dream material, phenomenology (how can we explore what that gesture you just made means?), imagery popping spontaneously into your mind or created through creativity. The language of symbols unlocks the messages from the Unconscious. These messages often speak of hidden goals and motivations that are trying to become conscious for a life aligned to your dreams. This is what is meant by the “Hidden Gold” held in the Unconscious!

Auguste Rodin, famous sculptor, on being the Muse for emergent sculptor, Camille Claudel.

All paths in Jungian Therapy ultimately lead to childhood patterns unconsciously repeating themselves in your adult life. Though the patterns have outgrown their usefulness of protecting an innocent child, trapped in the unconscious they continue working undetected in the background, sabotaging adult relationships and blocking access to the higher Self you were always meant to be!

Reflections Therapy Studio knits together Depth Therapy with your Soul-Longings, for you to embody a lived-experience matching your unique Self! If you always envisioned a life for yourself that you are not living, —let’s claim now as the moment to join with the pathway to your dreams!


Self-care: It involves more than you may think!


Jungian Personality Types and Archetypes